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The Dreaming and the first fleet

This week we worked on Australia. On Monday we corrected the webquest about the "Dreaming" and the history of Australia between 1770 and 1970. The "Dreaming" is the period of the creation of the Australian continent.

Then we continued to watch the documentary's first episode called "They have come to stay". This documentary deals with the history of Australia, and more particularly with the arrival of the first British Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788.

On Thursday, our class was separated into two groups: one with our teacher to start preparing for our final exam and the other one with the assistant to work on the day of Thanskgiving.

For next Monday, we have to revise for an exam on the Dreaming and the history of Australia.

Here is the cartoon by Andy Singer we worked on with our assistant.

Here is the cartoon by Andy Singer we worked on with our assistant.

Here is the correction of the webquest.

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